You Can Change Your DNA

Many people have mistakenly believed that the DNA with which we are born is the sole determinant for who we are and will become, but scientists have understood for decades that this genetic determinism is a flawed theory.

Please don´t harm your child
The connection between vaccines and diseases
Do you or anyone you know have asthma, allergies, ADHD, autism, difficulty concentrating or any form of disability, it´s a big chance it comes from vaccination when you were a baby. I´m gona present some terrible news on this issue today and the facts are comming from former experts within the drugcompanies and other whistleblowers. We are in a wakeup-period in human history, and this is just one column in the illuminati-brake down exposure.
First out I will publish this anonymous interview with an employed at a pharmaceutical company (vaccine expert). I recommend you enlarge the window to read this important message (pause every 5 seconds to catch up the reading).
Next up is John Virapen who worked 35 years (!) in the pharmaceutical company and exposes some ugly truths about the people behind the power in these companies and the ugly truth within the drugs and vaccines.
Please visit John's website for all info. A short sample from one of his books here:
Next I will present a lady who has dedicated her life in this issue. Barbara Leo Fisher is the president and founder of The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), which is a private non-profit advocacy group which questions the safety and efficacy of commonly used vaccines.[1] The group was founded in 1982 by parents who blamed routine vaccination for the illness or death of a child. Michael Specter has described the NVIC as "the most powerful anti-vaccine organization in America, and its relationship with the U.S. government consists almost entirely of opposing federal efforts aimed at vaccinating children . Barbara has acquired almost 30 years (!) as an expert in this topic. She has been ridiculed from the illuminati puppets in media of course, but she continues her hard work for goodness and justice.
Finally there´s a confession from an expert in vaccines Dr. Maurice Hilleman. This video might come as a shock for most of you with cruelty beyond your reality. I will say no more !
So the conclusion is very simple. The pharmaceutical companies has no interest in you beeing healthy! Its another illuminati owned instance in the evil of controlling you and your health and reality. They have manipulated our so called health-care with bribes, lies and false information. They now ridicule everything natural in this topic and they manufact deadly ingridiences in vaccines and medicine to keep you sick and under their command. They want monopoly in health-care and they wana make profit on you. They have huge power over politicians, science and decision-makers in our society. Whats most important here is that you think for yourself, and make your own studies. You can no longer trust your authorities, and others who wants to controll and make profit of you. Please think about your children and follow your gut feeling, don´t fall for their scaremongering. Take controll of your own health!
Sorry to bring such bad news about our reality, but its for your own good and for the future of this race. Dont get me wrong, I´m not against a society and I wish no harm or violence against any society. All I want is an awareness and a higher consciousness for this system to work. We are lightbeeings lost in an illusion, about to brake free. In best of worlds I would never have to write this down and I hope that one day I will not write these kind of things anymore. Regardless if you work for an institution, secret police, gouvernment or political party, u all need to think about the choices you'r making and to think about what feels right in your heart. Violence never solve any problems, they create more. Wisdom, education and awareness makes sollutions, keep that in mind. I love you all and remember: Endless love is the only truth, everything else in an illusion.
Last, I wana present an article in swedish, from the magnificent site which reveals a study on infant Death:
1. ^ Steinhauer, Jennifer (October 15, 2009). "Swine Flu Shots Revive a Debate About Vaccines". New York Times. Retrieved April 17, 2010.
Educate yourself
Got this from a friend and to be real honest with you, I never heard of this group. I know they´r (satanist illuminati) doing everything they can to censur the internet. They want total controll and they will try to controll the internet (probably with another false flag attack) and say it´s for our safety. This theme repeats itself over and over but this time we´r waking up. Please share this !
This is the kind of lessons we should be teached in schools, for real !! The power of thoughts, chakras, astral travel, mind over matter, channeling, meditations, hidden storys, sacred geometry, aliens, dimensions, life after death and so on.....
Just enjoy and learn!
Namaste <3