Exempel på ortomolekylär medicin

Här kommer ett exempel på ortomolekylär medicin. Detta är ett mail som jag mottog av Dr.Mercola redan i september och det lyder såhär:

Dr. Thomas Levy sent me a report on a case where vitamin C was used to completely cure a case of swine flu.  He says that adequately dosed vitamin C, to his knowledge, has never failed to cure an acute viral syndrome. According to information he received from a colleague in New Zealand, John Appleton, the following occurred:

A Waikato farmer went to Fiji for holiday, and started developing flu-like symptoms, but decided to tough it out. He arrived back in New Zealand very sick with swine flu. Tauranga Hospital was not able to treat him (what was not known at the time is that he has leukemia -- he didn't know either.) They sent him to Auckland Hospital, but he continued to deteriorate, despite the use of Tamiflu and antibiotics.

His brother-in-law (who knows a bit about vitamin C) contacted Dr. Thomas Levy in the U.S., who referred him to Dr. Appleton. Dr. Appleton provided a lot of info on vitamin C and referred the family to CAM (Centre for Advanced Medicine), www.camltd.co.nz in Auckland.

The family pushed to get him some IV vitamin C, but the hospital refused. CAM doctors encouraged the hospital to try vitamin C.

The patient deteriorated further and was on life support. The family was told nothing more could be done and life support would be switched off. His lungs were not functioning. The family said NO -- not until everything has been tried.


The hospital was pushed hard to give him IVC and reluctantly agreed, saying if there was no improvement by Friday that's it.

The patient showed signs of improvement by Wednesday, to the hospital’s surprise. Concerns were expressed about his kidneys, and a new specialist wanted to stop the vitamin C use -- the family was told his liver was failing, “caused by vitamin C”. Dr. Appleton gave them lots of data showing the liver is more likely to be affected by antibiotics.

Patient recovery continued to the point where he could be transferred to Waikato (closer to home); he was on a ventilator and NG tube feeding. The doctors there were more receptive to vitamin C, but wouldn't agree to continue the treatment. The family got a high profile lawyer involved who wrote a letter about patient rights and called the hospital to recommend that they sort it out with the family.

The hospital continued with IVC, albeit at a much lower dose. A CAM doctor traveled to Waikato to endorse the treatment and recommend IVC at higher doses. The patient continued to recover -- he was now conscious. The hospital staff was stunned -- they had never seen anything like this

The patient was told by his brother-in-law that IVC had saved him. The patient’s wife had not lost her husband and children have their father. The patient was by this time fully 'with it' and talking normally with family and taking Lypospheric vitamin C (6 grams daily).

For those doctors wondering about doses, Dr. Levy communicated directly with the brother-in-law to find out. On the Tuesday following the initial "deadline" 25 grams were given intravenously. On Wednesday, 25 gram infusions were again repeated twice. Thursday the patient received 75 grams, and starting on Friday he received 100 grams intravenously and stayed at this dose daily for another 4 to 6 days. Then the new consultant had the vitamin C discontinued completely. One week later, the IVC was restarted at only one gram twice daily.

Dr. Levy encourages everyone to resend this case history to any and all who you think could benefit, including your friends and contacts in the government. Obviously, a reasonable daily dose of vitamin C could be expected to do an even better job at preventing H1N1 while having no downside relative to the mass vaccinations getting ready to take place.

En annan berättelse om OM finns att läsa här: http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/199x/landwehr-r-j_orthomol_med-1991-v6-n2-p99.htm
Det finns massor av studier och pågående behandlingar om ortomolekylär medicin (kroppsegna ämnen) som är en naturlig och mycket effektiv metod vid behandlingar av olika åkommor och jag vet att det finns läkare som öppnar sig mer och mer för denna behandling som klingar fint i en helares mantra.
Ni som läste mitt inlägg där jag chattade med överläkaren på doc-care i Stockholm kunde läsa mellan raderna av att han nog förstår att det finns en hel del som bör tas i anspråk i den ortomolekylära medicinen.

Idag 3/12 så fick jag ett mail från Dr.Mercola där man visar att vit-D samt stora doser vit-C är det mest effektiva mot förkylning och influensavirus. Sedan bör man undvika socker, stress osv. Jag har skrivit åtskilliga ggr om vit-D och dess effekt här på bloggen men kan inte upprepa det nog (5000IU/dag). Vit-C bör tas i askorbat i doser runt 1-2 gram och vid förkylnings/influensasymptom 5-10 gram (jämför med pissmedels, oj jag menar livsmedelsverkets rek. ca 75 mg/dag )


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