Känslan efter klimatmötet
Tänker på en massa låtar vars texter är budskap i dessa stunder och 2 låtar som jag tänker på i samband med den kapitalisktiska sfär som håller på att skapa undergång för planeten, är dessa:
Meat Loaf - A kiss is a terrible thing to waste
Eddie Vedder - Society
Andra är Meja´s "It´s all about the money" , "we are the world" osv....
Barak Obama skrev alltså under ett godkännande 2 dagar innan klimatmöte-fiaskot var ett faktum, som garanterade ca 1200 miljarder svenska kronor till militära ändamål i Afghanistan och Irak.
1200 miljarder kronor !!!!! smaka på det.
I samma stund som han klev på planet till Köpenhamn hade han redan bestämt sig att han genom sina moraliskt korrekta tal, slingra sig ur avtal om klimatkompensation och undvika alla typer av bindande avtal.
Vad skulle han dit och göra överhuvudtaget?
USA skiter ju i miljön! Den frågan är så oviktig i USA att man blir rädd, på riktigt.
Och Kina, dem skall vi inte ens tala om.
Där har ni bovarna. De två största kapitalistiska, odemokratiska och ohumanistiska länderna säger alltså:
Ekonomisk efterfrågan och tillväxt är viktigare än alla levande väsens existens på planeten tellus!
Barak Obama är nära att få sin sjukförsäkringsreform genomförd i USA att han knappast skulle riskera förlora sitt anseende bland sina väljare. Min fråga till dig Obama:
- Vad spelar sjukförsäkringen, krigen och din politik till i slutändan, då dina egna barn och barnbarn drabbas av sjukdomar som astma och dör, då planeten förgörs och då vi inte har någonstans att bo?
Visst, vi kan alltid hoppas på att nåt revolutionärt händer inom vetenskapen som jag gör (sätter mitt hopp till fysikerna) men då skall ju dessa 1200 miljarder satsas där och inte på krig.
Kapitalism är omodernt och väldigt destruktivt, kortsiktigt och omoraliskt.
Vi måste börja tänka om, bli moderna, tänka på våran planet och allt däri som en HELHET. Ett paradigmskifte som tar oss ur det kapitalistiska tänket och som slår hål på vår syn som materialistiska robotar vars enda syfte är att bidra med intäkter i ett snurrande ekonomiskt hjul. Du och jag är en siffra i en bokföring idag. Så vill inte jag ha det och om du gnuggar bort dimman från din lins så vet jag att du inte heller vill ha det så.
Vad kan vi göra?
Vi kan engagera oss i miljörörelser och politik för att sprida budskap vidare.
Vi kan uppmärksamma detta som jag gör nu.
Vi skall gå till kamp mot borgarpacken!
Engagera dig!
Rösta bort alliansen till å börja med!
Politicians talk, Leaders act !!!!
Lyssna på dessa (ovanstående) låtar jag beskrev och ta in texten.
Eddie Vedder - Society
Oh it's a mystery to me.
We have a greed, with which we have agreed...
and you think you have to want more than you need...
until you have it all, you won't be free.
Society, you're a crazy breed.
I hope you're not lonely, without me.
When you want more than you have, you think you need...
and when you think more then you want, your thoughts begin to bleed.
I think I need to find a bigger place...
cause when you have more than you think, you need more space.
Society, you're a crazy breed.
I hope you're not lonely, without me.
Society, crazy indeed...
I hope you're not lonely, without me.
There's those thinkin' more or less, less is more,
but if less is more, how you keepin' score?
It means for every point you make, your level drops.
Kinda like you're startin' from the top...
and you can't do that.
Society, you're a crazy breed.
I hope you're not lonely, without me.
Society, crazy indeed...
I hope you're not lonely, without me
Society, have mercy on me.
I hope you're not angry, if I disagree.
Society, crazy indeed.
I hope you're not lonely...
without me.
Meat Loaf - A kiss is a terrible thing to waste
Tänk på detta nästa gång du kysser ditt barn godnatt.
Lets make a promise, and then lets take a vow
Times running out, the only time left is now
And you know you deserve more than this
If you trust me at all then just give it a chance
They all want you to crawl but I want you to dance
And if we make a pact then it's only right to seal it with a kiss
If you listen to the night you can hear the darkness call
I can barely stand to wait I can barely stand at all
So come closer to me now like we're sharing the same skin
We gotta get out of this jail we gotta let the future in
So many things in your life that your bound to regret
Why didn't I do this? Why didn't I do that?
So many chances you've lost that you'll never forget
Why didn't I take it? Why didn't I make it come true?
The loneliest words you'll ever know, if only, if only it were so
The emptiest words that there'll ever be
It could have been me, it could have been me
The loneliest words you'll ever know, if only, if only it were so
The emptiest words that there'll ever be
It could have been me, it could have been me
You'll have to pay for it later if you don't get it when it's going for free
Believe me, Believe me!
So come with me now we can fly away
There's a time to be saved but your damned if you stay
Put your foot on the gas and lets go
Take a chance on a promise and a roll of the dice
We can set a few fires we can melt all the ice
We can have more adventures than you ever even dreamed that you would know
There's a feast waiting for you and you never even gotten a taste
There's a lot I haven't got
It's later than you think and a kiss is a terrible thing to waste
If you listen in the night you can hear your plans fall through
One more fight you'll never win, one more dream that won't come true
You shouldn't tremble when we touch, let me show you what to do and how
Cause We'll never be as young as we are right now
We'll never be as young as we are right now
So many cries in the night that you try to ignore
Why didn't I do this?
Why didn't I do that?
So many unanswered prayers, so many unopened doors
Why didn't I take it?
Why didn't I make it come true?
The loneliest words you'll ever know, if only, if only it were so
The emptiest words that there'll ever be
It could have been me, it could have been me
The loneliest words you'll ever know, if only, if only it were so
The emptiest words that there'll ever be
It could have been me, it could have been me
You'll have to pay for it later
If you don't get it when it's going for free
Believe me, believe me, believe me
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste
It's something that's always been so
How I wish I could let go
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste
You make one mistake and it can't be erased
And one of these nights I'm gonna show you that you already know
I don't even know what I know
There's a feast waiting for you and you've never even gotten a taste
I'll kill him if he hurts her
It's later than you think
And a kiss is a terrible thing to waste
Now's the time when you got to let go
/ Jocke